Theater Kontra-Punkt
Music Theatre Wales
Muziektheatercollectief Walpurgis
Art Zoyd
Het Muziek Lod
Chants Libres
Anna Ikramova
Freies Musiktheater NRW.NL.B


6 Day OPERA 2002

March 11th-17th 2002 in DÜSSELDORF

Short overview of the 6 Tage Oper 2002 (6-Day Festival 2002)

The 6 Tage Oper 2002 is the third event presenting contemporary music theatre and chamber operas by modern composers in North-Rhine Westphalia (D). The 6 Tage Oper initiates and encourages experiments in music theatre and works towards finding unusual combinations of the arts as well as theatre experiences in all fields and a comparison of developments in different European countries.

Particular importance is placed on how theatre is presented to the audience, on complementary, so-called “round table” events. New audiences are attracted by using unusual theatre venues, for example the project Küche-Keller-Bad (Kitchen-Basement-Bathroom), part of the 6 Tage Oper 2000, which was performed at private and adventurous venues which were reached by shuttle bus. A further focal point is the networking of artists and the funding of co-productions on a European level.

In previous 6 Tage Oper, there have been Dutch-German co-productions such as “Jud Süß” and James Conway from Ireland worked as a director at the Vlaams Opera.

In future, the 6 Tage Oper will be promoted and organised in 4 areas:
1.) The presentation of innovative, contemporary, European music theatre aiming to affect the whole European scene and concentrating in particular on youth
2.) Special audience events to attract people to new music theatre, as well as innovative, intimate theatre experiences: Küche – Keller –Bad
3.) Symposium Ausblick: Musiktheater (The future of music theatre) with representatives of the larger festivals and artists’ participation
4.) Internet Opera: a playground for video artists and music/theatre performers; mini works of art on the net

Another focal point of the event is music theatre events for young people (Jud Süß and Das war der Hirbel in 2000 - Daniil Charms in 2002) and accompanying workshops in schools.

Europäische Vereinigung für Kammeroper und Musiktheater
Heyestr. 116
D-40625 Düsseldorf
Phone: 0049/ (0)211- 9293578
Fax: 0049/ (0)211- 9293574