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The Island

"The entire territory belonging to the Republic of Saint Kilda consists of three small islands and five naked rocks. The main island, as well as the rest, is situated in a part of the ocean known as Deucaledonian. I calculate its latitude at about fifty-eight degrees, thirty minutes, if the ordinary calculation is correct. It lies at eighteen leagues from North Uist which had once belonged to Saint Kilda, and at twenty leagues from Harrois (Harris), which is now a sort of dependency.

The island stretches at least three English miles from East to West and two from North to South. The circumference is surrounded by a barrier of inaccessible rocks apart from two places, one to the North West which I'll mention later and the other to the South East...

We were received by an hospitable race of barbarians ( if one can call them that) with the most sincere professions of friendship and the strongest displays of respect."

R.P. Kenneth Macauley - 1763 Minister of Ardnamurchan - missionary on the Island of Saint Kilda, for the society established for the propagation of the Christian religion.

Europäische Vereinigung
für Kammeroper und Musiktheater e.V.

Heyestrasse 116
D-40625 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49-+211-929 35 82
Fax: +49-+211-929 35 74

Internet: www.6-tage-oper.de

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Federal State Government of NRW, Germany
City of Duesseldorf
Kunst- und Kulturstiftung of the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Kunststiftung NRW
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Stiftung Van Meeteren
Vysoká škola
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