Tatiana Stepantchenko Director and head of stage actions
Born in Prokopievsk, in Russia, she spent her childhood in Siberia before receiving musical training at the Superior Institute of Music in Yaroslav (piano, opera and conducting).
She entered the GITIS (Central Theatre Academy of Russia) in the class of actors and directors supervised by Maria Knebel (former assistant to Stanislawski and Mikhaïl Tchekhov). After the death of Knebel, her masters were the celebrated teaching trio Leonid Kheifetz, Natalia Zvereva and Oleg Koudriachov. (musical theatre).
She began her career as an actress playing the lead role in the cult musical of the perestroïka "The Bug", a show that played more than six hundred times in repertory theatres in Russia and Germany. She has also played leading roles in nine films.
She has directed around ten shows in Germany and France and teaches interpretation, training techniques and Russia dramatic art style at the Theatre Academy of Munich. For some years she has been directing the training of professional actors and directs shows at the Phénix, Scène Nationale de Valenciennes.