KEIN BLASSER SCHIMMER - Germany, Switzerland
DOOD GOED - Mordlust, eine Bauernoper - The Netherlands
STUNDENLANG - Die Alzheimerdreivierteltaktoper - The Netherlands
SESTINA - Belgium
THE PROPHECY - Die Prophezeiung - Iceland
ZUGZWANG - Germany
Kassandra, Ground Zero - Norway
Räderwerque - Germany
Kwetsbaar! (Vulnerable!) - The Netherlands
...bald eine stimme bald eine andere... - Germany
Marx - Austria
Abendtoilette - Germany
FINALE - OPERation Neuland!
Theater Kontra-Punkt, Düsseldorf (Germany) / ensemble für neue musik zürich (Switzerland)
Mo February 9th 19.30 h
Tu February 10th 11.00 h and 19.30 h
Robert-Schumann-Saal, Ehrenhof, Düsseldorf
Music: Matthias Heep
Text: Norbert Ebel
Conductor: Jürg Henneberger
Production: Frank Schulz
Costumes: Jan Kocman
Stage: Stefanie Lenkewitz
Jo has been blind since birth but she doesn’t know it. Since she was a little baby, her father, a rich manager in a computer company has been making sure that she does not become aware of her disability. To him, a real perfectionist, a disabled child is a catastrophe. But he loves Jo with all his heart. The only way out of this dilemma is to create an artificial world in which the sense of sight does not exist.
So Jo grows up in a state of "blissful ignorance", in a golden cage...
DOOD GOED - Mordlust, eine Bauernoper
Muziektheater Struweel, Heythuysen (The Netherlands)
Tu February 10th 19.00 h
Th February 12th 20.00 h
Gut Papendelle, Papendelle 19, Erkrath
Music: Arno Dieteren
Text: Adrie van Dijk
Conductor: Arno Dieteren
Production: Els Boonen
Set and costumes: Luc De Backer
This is not an opera about kings and queens of ancient times and lands, it is a real time representation of the here and now: a farmer and his wife just at that point in time when something happens to change their lives forever. A married couple in the country, torn between memory, hope and reality.
A farmer’s opera in every sense of the word, as it tells of the farmer’s problems dealing with completely new societal conditions, marked by EU agricultural reform, subsidies, people leaving the land and destroyed cultural areas. And it tells this story right there where things are happening: on a farm, which not only serves as an alternative place to perform within this context but is also a body of sound.
STUNDENLANG - Die Alzheimerdreivierteltaktoper
Stichting Aa, Groningen (The Netherlands)
Photo: Jan Bouwman |
We February 11th 18.30 h
Th February 12th 18.30 h
Rheinische Kliniken, Bergische Landstr. 2, Düsseldorf-Grafenberg
Music: Gerard Ammerlaan
Text: Jo Willems
Conductor: Hans Kaldeway
Production: Christiaan Mooij
Set and costumes: Janco van Barneveld
A daughter puts her mother into a home. The mother won’t accept that she needs care and pretends to herself and the other residents that she’s just working there, as an active, always good-humoured nurse. Karl, who still has some of his wits about him, soon sees through her and confronts her. Rudolf, on the other hand, who has already slipped into the realm of forgetfulness, falls in love with her. How long will the mother be able to fight off her illness? And will her daughter be able to come to terms with her doubts about her decision to put her mother into a home? Time is dripping from the ceiling, saying farewell becomes more and more difficult. The old love-hate relationship between mother and daughter flares up again.
The performance takes place in the canteen of a clinic. Like visitors to the clinic, like coincidental witnesses of events, the audience participates, partly in real time. The performing singers and musicians are really old – it could be their story, and maybe one day it could be ours...
This project began as a Dutch-German co-operation and was sponsored by the Fonds für Amateurkunst und darstellende Künste as well as by Stichting Groningen Dansstad.
Muziektheater Transparant / Zonzo Cie., Antwerpen (Belgium)
We February 11th 20.00 h
Th February 12th 18.30 h and 20.30 h
Halle 6, Neumannstr. 2, Düsseldorf-Flingern
Music: Claudio Monteverdi
Text: Scipione Agnelli & Francesco Petrarca
Production: Wouter Van Looy
Conductor: Jan Van Outryve
Stage & video: Hans Op de Beeck
Sound: Michel Vanderhaeghen
Costumes: Machteld Van de Perre
"Incinerated remains, greedy tomb, made from my beauteous sun and earthly heaven..."
With these words, Claudio Monteverdi opens his madrigal Sestina. The poet Scipione Agnelli wrote the text in memory of the deceased singer Caterina Martinelli, the favourite soprano of Claudio Monteverdi. The six-part musical poem is about the tears of a man, before the tomb of his beloved.
In a contemporary setting, the old music of Claudio Monteverdi and the poem Triumph of Death of Francesco Petrarca are stripped by artists from different disciplines. Sestina elaborates the possibilities of a threedimensional installation crossed with video-images accompanied by a soundscape and a live concert with music composed by Monteverdi. Against the background of video and soundscape, five young singers, supported by a lute and a gambe, tell a story about death and love.
THE PROPHECY - Die Prophezeiung
Möguleikhusid (The Possible Theatre), Reykjavik (Iceland)
Th February 12th 11.30 h and 15.00 h
Internationale Schule, Niederrheinstr. 336, Düsseldorf
Fr February 13th 10.00 h
Kinder- und Jugendtheater, Münsterstr. 446, Düsseldorf
Music: Gudni Franzson
Text: Thórarinn Eldjárn, Englisch von Sarah E. O'Neill
Conductor: Gudni Franzson
Production: Peter Holst
Set and costumes: Anette Werenskjold
Actor: Petur Eggerz
Musician: Stefán Örn Arnarson
The old Icelandic epic "Völuspá" (The Prophecy) tells the story of Odinn, king of the gods, and his neverending search for perfect knowledge. It’s not enough that his two ravens keep him informed about what’s going on in the world. He simply must drink from the giant Mimir’s fount of wisdom in order to find out everything that’s happened in the past, and from the source of poesy in order to become the world’s greatest poet. But he's still far from satisfied – after all, he wants to be able to see the future. The oracle at Vala grants him this power, but what he sees there signifies painful loss, destruction and his own downfall...
Actor Pétur Eggerz slips into multiple roles in the realm of the gods. Cellist Stefán Örn Arnarson contributes sounds and noises that become a driving force behind the action.
for a dancer and a computer
Fr February 13th 20.00 h
Sa February 14th 19.00 h
Tanzhaus nrw, studio, Erkrather Str. 30, Düsseldorf
Composition, programming and live-electronic: Michael Iber
Choreography and dance Canan Erek
They were the three great refuseniks of the 20th century. And they were three artists who contributed decisively to the 20th-century aesthetic. Samuel Beckett, dramatist, John Cage, composer, and Marcel Duchamp, artist. What the three had in common was an interest in the game of chess, a passion reflected variously in their works. In his legendary book on chess, Duchamp revealed what was perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the game for them: the symmetrical patterns of movement made by the two kings in the end game.
The dancer is White, the music computer is Black. She can hear, he can see. She is human, he is machine. Constant movement and yet a standoff. Both are seemingly moving within their own spheres, somewhere between Beckett-like disembodiment and Cage’s strict regulating templates. And yet both still perceive the other, waiting to pounce on the slightest infringement of the rules.
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