KEIN BLASSER SCHIMMER - Germany, Switzerland
DOOD GOED - Mordlust, eine Bauernoper - The Netherlands
STUNDENLANG - Die Alzheimerdreivierteltaktoper - The Netherlands
SESTINA - Belgium
THE PROPHECY - Die Prophezeiung - Iceland
ZUGZWANG - Germany
Kassandra, Ground Zero - Norway
Räderwerque - Germany
Kwetsbaar! (Vulnerable!) - The Netherlands
...bald eine stimme bald eine andere... - Germany
Marx - Austria
Abendtoilette - Germany
FINALE - OPERation Neuland!
performances continued:
musictheatre in small rooms
Fr February 13th 19.00 h
Sa February 14th 19.00 h
Meetingpoint Monkey's Island in the Medienhafen Düsseldorf
Enter into rooms that were once - or still are – used for entirely different purposes than for art. The Minister President’s reception room, a commercial kitchen, the warehouse of an electrics workshop or the cosy sofa in your own living room – there’s always a perfect ambience to be found for an unusual performance. Even in the apparently most mundane room, wedged in between narrow walls and jam jars, stories can take shape, sounds and magic can break through the everyday surroundings:
- the Norwegian soprano Kristin Norderval tells her version of the "Kassandra"-myth on Ground Zero;
- in "Räderwerque" drummer Olaf Normann and saxophonist Georg Niehusmann use everything from shoe brushes and gongs to a calypso-maschine, that can be found in a regular household;
- the Dutch cellist Jacqueline Hamelink presents a emotionally charged and powerful-voiced string instrument in her performance "Kwetsbaar!" (Vulnerable!);
- Voice-artist Isabeella Beumer is "voice" and instrument at the same time, her larynx-art reaches the borders of possibility;
- the Zoon theatre from Vienna brings back to life the real existing GDR in its collage "Marx";
- The four singers of the <belcanto>-ensemble combine highly official vocals and theatralic aktion in their performance "Abendtoilette".
KASSANDRA, Ground Zero
Kristin Norderval, (Norway)
within the scope of the performance Küche - Keller - Bad
Text: Eva Salzman
Music: Eric Salzman
Computer-processing: Kristin Norderval
The Greek legend has Cassandra bestowed with the gift of prophecy. However, when Cassandra refuses Apollo’s advances, he arranges it so that no one will believe her predictions, even though they invariably come true. In this version, Cassandra lounges by the House Of Atreus resort, in unbearable heat, perhaps by a swimming pool. Perhaps she is relating her tale by mobile phone to a friend. Once in love with the sun, now Cassandra longs for the rain. But is anyone really listening?
Cassandra Ground Zero was rehearsed during October 2001 in New York City. One day, in the pouring rain, a somber funeral procession passed, bagpipes playing to honor a fireman from the nearby station, killed in the World Trade Center. Not long before this, the media was awash with stories about the disappearance of a young Washington DC intern, Chandra Levy. These incidents inform the mood and themes of the piece. In fact, Apollo might inhabit a place like the US Senate. We might imagine a young, naïve Cassandra, initially dazzled by the political power games in which she unwittingly becomes complicit. She wants acknowledgement as well as love, as she grapples with the moral ambiguities power entails. Cassandra’s dilemma reflects an apocalyptic moment in history, when there’s small consolation in I-Told-You-So. She despairs about corruption and the future, but no one listens. Of course. We never do, maybe never will.
Olaf Normann & Georg Niehusmann (Germany)
within the scope of the performance Küche - Keller - Bad
Drums: Olaf Normann
Saxophone: Georg Niehusmann
"Räderwerque" is entertaining chamber music of a very special kind.
The two musicians exercise great sensitivity to abduct the audience into the wonderful world of serene sounds and extraordinarily beautiful tones. From a shoe brush to a big bass drum, from a Chinese gong to a Calypso machine – the selection of instruments is diverse, and the music the two artists present is refreshingly varied and unconventional. Now and again one can't help suppressing a smile or even laughing out loud.
"Räderwerque" – worth hearing, even from a visual standpoint.
KWETSBAAR! (Vulnerable!)
Jacqueline Hamelink (The Netherlands)
within the scope of the performance Küche - Keller - Bad
A gesamtkunstwerk encompassing poesy – cello music – tactile experiences: from the initial sound of the steps of a young cellist, to the first note played on the cello, to total theatre. A theatrical/musical microcosm in the living room. Once around the music theatre world in fifteen minutes.
The viewer is immersed in a composition of sounds and cello notes, interwoven with sung and spoken texts and short sequences. Blindfolded, audience members take the plunge into an acoustic, sensory world, perceiving it at first merely with their ears. While Jacqueline Hamelink plays, she wanders through the audience, from ear to ear: "What is she saying to me?" – "What did she say to you?" A secret!
And what the viewers see when they are finally allowed to take off their blindfolds is 'like a dream', conjured up out of the black-lit theatre. A small, unreal world, which is just as swiftly wafted away.
Isabeella Beumer (Germany)
within the scope of the performance Küche - Keller - Bad
"Like sounds from another time – this is the effect of the noises and sounds that (...) isabeella beumer conjures in musical space. Listeners feel challenged to find their own story in this labyrinth of notes, or to simply let themselves be swept away by the flood of sound, losing track of space and time. It’s hard to imagine what vocal technique can produce such sounds." (NDR)
"isabeella beumer masters amazing vocal articulations. Her upper range is of an almost inconceivable richness. The lower fifth has the effect of a drone with which she accompanies her own voice." (R. Spring, music scholar)
"isabeella beumer is simultaneously musician and instrument..." (Voices Festival Innsbruck)
Zoon Theater, Wien (Austria)
within the scope of the performance Küche - Keller - Bad
Composition and Realization: Thomas Dezsy, Oliver Augst, Marcel Daemgen, Christoph Korn
featuring: no input mixer, voice, scenery, Analog-Synthesizer, electronics, computer, Samples, FX-Pads, voice, electronics, mixer, e-guitar
Karl Marx is long dead, the wall is gone, at a fast-food restaurant you can get a Marxburger, Russia is concentrating on its post-colonial war, a Swiss bank consortium is using the famous bearded one in its advertising. On the surface Marx has long become a symbol, an icon, while on a deeper level his oeuvre remains stoically virulent, an unfinished work and as yet unrealised blueprint for a society congenial to humans.
Somewhere among these widely diverging co-ordinates is where the electronic music theatre "MARX" positions itself.
It came about as a co-production of TEXTxtnd/Frankfurt and ZOON/Vienna.
The piece premiered in November 2002 during the "Vienna Modern" festival.
<belcanto>-Ensemble, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany)
within the scope of the performance Küche - Keller - Bad
Texts: Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Pietro Aretino and others
A kind of scenic-lavatory fugue by Martin Curschmann
In this work commissioned by the 6 Day Opera 2004 and conceived especially for the four singers of the <belcanto>-Ensemble, the theme of "a woman's bath" is pursued from four different points of view.
The instruments and musical materials used here are: four a-cappella voices, the bathroom fixtures, some percussion instruments, and various accessories...
FINALE - OPERation Neuland!
Sa February 14th 20.30 h
Monkey's Island in the Medienhafen Düsseldorf, entrance free
What else?
Supporting program for kids and teens
Members of the Düsseldorfer Symphoniker / Pupils of the Leibniz-Gymnasium Düsseldorf
Fr 06. Februar 18.00 h
Sa 07. Februar 18.00 h
Aqua-Zoo, Kaiserswerther Str. 380, Düsseldorf-Golzheim
Conductor: Matthias Haus
Concept: Annette Bieker, Frank Schulz
In November 2003 a "musical whale" was stranded in the warehouse of the Rheinbahn AG in Düsseldorf-Lierenfeld. Just like Jonas in the bible, the audience was swallowed up by the whale and had the opportunity to explore its insides: gurgling chords on the strings made their way through the body like arteries, the lungs breathed like trumpets, in the gall bladder the oboes wailed and the intestines echoed with the sounds of the bassoon. Finally, all of these different components of sound harmonised together in a tuneful concert.
Children in the 5th and 6th grades at Düsseldorf's Leibniz-Gymnasium also had a chance to take part in this anatomical/musical journey of discovery and to let it inspire them to create their own projects. Under the guidance of composer and percussionist Matthias Haus, they have put together their very own personal musical whale. This impressive creature will be presented before the backdrop of the large aquarium at the Löbbecke Museum.
Reaktionen von Schülern des Lebniz-Gymnasiums auf das Projekt:
A Cooperation of the Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Aquazoo, Jugendmusikfestival der Rheinland AG "Stadt-Klang-Fluß", 6 Tage Oper 2004
with Wouter Van Looy and the Ensemble Canto Rubino
Fr February 13th 11.00 h
2x2 hours; entrance free (booking required - max. 15 participants)
Halle 6, Neumannstr. 2, Düsselsorf-Flingern
Young singers who are interested in early baroque music are cordially invited to join the "Sestina" production team in exploring new methods and possibilities of performing the works of Monteverdi, in terms of both scenery and music.
To get information on more performances click here:
Performances Page 1